Thanks to my very funny friend Lynette for making my blog so cute!!
I'm finally ready to start my blog. I have been so busy with all my kids. April and May seem to be the busiest months out of the year with being a back stage mom for jr. miss, end of the school year parties and all of Halle's dance performances. Halle really wants to try out for show team in a couple of days. I haven't made up my mind if I want to be any more busy then already. I thinks it's great that she wants to be so involved and is so motivated.
Friday is the last day of school and I am so emotional about it only because I know that means my kids will be in a grade older in the fall. Luke will be attending kindergarten and and Halle 2nd grade. Time flies by so fast! It will be 2 more years until Faith goes to kindergarten and 3 years for Lauren. I will Have 4 kids in elementary school at once. OH MY!!